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    An Outstanding Performance of Elf Jr.


    13 Dec, 2019

    10 : 00

    • After four months of preparation, from audition stage to the curtain rise, the Yew Chung International School of Beijing’scast of Elf Jr. finally performed the much anticipated Christmas play they had worked so hard on to showcase to their enthusiastic audience of family members, teachers, schoolmates and members of the public..

      From costumes, lighting, singing and performances, the cast was made up of both Primary and Secondary School students who gave stellar performances which had their teachers beaming with pride, as put by Erin Luce, Head of Performing Arts.

      “The thing that I am most proud of is really seeing the cast and crew really take ownership of their roles and their responsibilities. They have all been really contributing above and beyond to the whole team”

      Not only were the teachers impressed by the performances, but parents who were in attendance also lauded the cast for the confidence displayed on stage and a well-executed production. Below are comments by some of the parents whose children were part of the play;

      “You guys have done a brilliant job and put together this amazing show in such a short period of time! I always thought Aidan was a shy boy before and was totally surprised when he said he wanted to sign up for the audition. I almost cried when seeing him sing and dance happily on the stage. It has been an amazing experience for him and thank you SO MUCH for getting all the confidence and enthusiasm out of him!”  Aiden Wong’s mom

      “Well done on the musical. It was fantastic! The kids loved it, the parents loved it, and everyone had such a great evening. It’s really good to see children blending in from all ages in the musical.”  Jackson Li’s parents

      “Both my kids loved every bit of it. Jaydon was so emotional after the show on Friday, he said he felt so lost and asked me, what’s next mum? Will there will be another musical next semester? I told him that it’s a very difficult task and Ms. Humber and her team will probably need a break before they plan for another one. Thank you so much for your hard work, dedication and patience with my boys. They were so privileged to be part of this great production. It was a rare chance that they get to mingle around with the secondary kids and boy … they felt so cool to be able to do so!”  Jaydon and & Sean mom

      And according to Kate Woods, the play’s Assistant Director, the hard work and sacrifice paid off. “The cast and crew gave up their lunch breaks and after school time to bring you the most fantastic performance!”  she said.

      To view all the images from the play, click here.