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    Passionate about walking the extra mile – Carey Friia


    07 Jan, 2022

    16 : 53

    • In this month’s ‘Meet YCIS’ series, we spotlight Ms Carey Friia, IGCSE Coordinator and Pastoral Care for Years 9-11.

      Ms Carey Friia has been in Beijing for three years, since the autumn of 2018. She grew up in Wyoming and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics from the University of Wyoming before continuing her education to receive a Master's degree in Secondary Science Education. She began her career as an engineer at a space systems company doing trajectory analysis for mission and fire control. While there, she earned a graduate degree in space systems engineering. Education became her passion again when her daughter started school, and she always looks for ways to motivate and encourage students to find an interest and passion in science.

      Seeking both Chinese and English studies for her daughter and intrigued by the bilingual, multi-cultural model and co-teaching approach of the school, Ms Friia joined YCIS Beijing as a parent first.

      Then, at the start of 2019, she joined YCIS as an IB Physics teacher and Secondary science teacher, while also coaching the U19 boys volleyball team. She finished the year and then made a transfer to ECE. Back now in Secondary, Ms. Friia states, “I am happy to return to Secondary maths and science and continue with the pastoral care in Secondary. I am also continuing as the boys’ volleyball coach and hoping to bring a trophy back after the tournament!”

      She has loved the community of parents, the diversity in the classrooms, the opportunities for professional development, and the students.

      Travelling, fishing, hiking, playing beach volleyball, playing American flag football, rugby and learning new sports are among Ms Carey’s wide set of pastime interests. She was a varsity cheerleader in college and has competed in body building competitions.

      If Ms Carey is to be asked a word of advice for her students, she would always encourage them,“When you have an idea, be passionate about it! Don't allow fear of failure to hold you back.”