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    YCIS Bejiing Rewind: Swimming


    24 Jun, 2016

    10 : 00

    • The 2015 – 2016 academic year was was filled countless classes, activities, and events. During the summer break, we’re featuring a new series titled “A Year in Retrospect,” which looks back at this past year and gives attention to various events and accomplishments that we simply didn’t get the chance to appreciate. In this edition of “YCIS Beijing Rewind”, we take a look at YCIS Beijing’s aquatic-themed lessons.

      Taking Their First Strokes

      Through the combined efforts of our enthusiastic Physical Education teachers and the team at Firepower International Swimming club, students received personal swimming training according to their swimming ability. Our PE teachers took those taking their first strokes to the shallow end and taught them the basics of kicking, breathing, and floating. For those who were on a more advanced level, the Firepower International Swimming Club trainers imparted their expertise and helped those students to hone and perfect their swimming abilities.

      Learning to Save a Life

      Water safety and responsibility are the most important lessons a student can learn in the water as they have the potential to one day save a life. Over the course of three weeks, students were taught essential lifesaving skills. Working in pairs, students learned how to identify those in trouble, how to approach them, and how to tow them to safety. The benefits of taking such an important class are invaluable if the situation were to ever arise. After learning the necessary skills, students were confident in their ability to actively contribute in preventing a water-based tragedy.

      The Competitive Level

      After having leaned the core techniques, many YCIS Beijing students were ready to take their skills to compete at local and national levels. Throughout the year, many of our swimmers competed in various competitions throughout China, including the ACAMIS swim meet in Suzhou, which saw students from over 500 school across China in heated competition. We were incredibly proud of our students’ performances during this meet, with all of them able to smash their own best personal times. In December, 400 swimmers came together at ISB to compete in the Beijing International Schools’ Swimming Competition. Our very own Owen Yeow in Year 3 placed 2nd in the 50 metre freestyle and Alfie Yeow shocked the stands during the 100 metre freestyle race when he finished 3rd despite troubles during the qualifying races.

      YCIS Beijing ensures that all our students have the opportunity to learn how to swim, proper water safety, and are swim competitively . Looking back at the previous year, we can be confident that our students are making the most of the skills they learnt over the course of the school year during this hot summer holiday.