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    Summer Reading: 3 Ways to Nurture a Lifelong Reader


    07 Jul, 2017

    10 : 00

    • For most of us, summer undoubtedly conjures a myriad of classic images. Barbecues, family, picnics, water fun; summer is filled with all kinds of fun activities. For primary school kids, it’s also a great opportunity for some extra reading time!

      While the benefits of reading are undeniable, with the prevalence of electronic devices it’s getting harder and harder to tear children away from their iPads and curl up with a good book.

      Sora Lim, YCIS Beijing’s Primary School Teacher Librarian, believes that the key to cultivating in your kids a love of reading, as well as the habits of a lifelong reader, is to associate reading with positive experiences. Below, she outlines three tips for parents to put their kids on the right reading track for lifelong readership.

      Choose Accessible Books

      While summer reading lists, including YCIS Beijing’s recent selection, are a great guideline for the books you choose for your kids, be sure that you’re choosing books that are appropriate to your child’s reading level for individual reading time.

      A quick way to assess whether or not a book is suitable for your child is to have them read a page from the book. If he or she comes across 2-3 unfamiliar words, that book in general should be at his or her level.

      This doesn’t mean that more challenging books should be tossed aside completely! These books provide a great opportunity for group reading and discussion with a parent. These joint reading sessions are very valuable for your child’s growth as a reader.

      Let Your Kids Choose Their Books

      This tip is simple: let your kids have a say in what they want to read! First, have them select books based on his or her interest. If they have trouble choosing, ask your child what they wonder or are curious about and make a selection from there.

      Secondly, select books that your child finds enjoyable. Reading is a great way relax and reduce stress. Captain Underpants, comics, even the Guinness Book of World Records; they’re fun and they serve a purpose!

      Create a Nurturing Atmosphere

      Finally, a great way to encourage kids to read is to create settings where reading is a natural part of their positive memories. There are endless ways to do this during the summer months. Read while lying on the beach or at the park, or snuggle up with family and a beloved book. When your child associates reading with these kinds of happy memories, they’ll be much more inclined to read at their leisure as they grow older.

      You can find more reading tips on our website here, or learn more about our Primary School programme by clicking here.