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    First Steps of a New Journey


    25 Aug, 2017

    10 : 00

    • On Monday, August 21, Yew Chung International School of Beijing celebrated our first day of school.  With such a large school community – of various ages, cultures, and life experiences – a vast range of emotions was on display throughout the day on our Honglingjin Park campus.

      There were young parents, proud though teary-eyed when dropping off their children for the first time in kindergarten.

      There were nervous looks from new students, anxious of entering the unfamiliar environment – which then gave way to relief and excitement when meeting a new group of friends.

      Then there were our returning students, reuniting with classmates and sharing enthusiastic tales of their summer adventures.

      IBDP students, meanwhile, were engaged and focused at the starting line of their final sprint towards university.

      This year marks the 22nd anniversary of YCIS Beijing.  The faces have changed, as have the stories, but the themes have remained.  Our school community maintains their care and support for one another, both as audience and actor in each other’s life stories.  On the first day of school, we’re reminded that our school community is as strong as ever and ready to join hands and tackle the new year together!

      Please visit our Flickr page to see the full collection of photos from the First Day of School.