Student Blog
Student Blog
07 Jan, 2022
10 : 00
YCIS Beijing has previously called aspiring student writers to submit short articles for publishing. We are delighted to share two articles handed in by Jeremy Wan (Year 8B) and his brother Jamie Wan (Year 6B) about their last vacation.
Their holiday started with meeting up with friends from YCIS Shanghai, spending time in the pool, and visiting an aquarium to admire sea life from the outside. Little did they know that their mother had a big surprise in store for them! She had booked for the brothers their first scuba diving adventure near Wuzhizhou Island in the South China Sea. While Jeremy was more than excited to have his long-term dream fulfilled, he also shares his biggest fear: a shark encounter. In the end, Jeremy conquered his fear and dived into the ocean. He describes that his most wonderful experience was being able to explore a sunken shipwreck.
While Jeremy’s fear of sharks was all forgotten during scuba diving, the same fear hit his younger brother Jamie at the bottom of the sea. He lost his wiggly milk tooth at the most unfortunate time – during scuba diving! Suddenly dropping his oxygen mask did not scare him, but he was feeling afraid that the small wound might attract sharks. Jamie made it safely to the surface with his scuba diving instructor, without the precious milk tooth, but with a big (partially toothless) smile of relief.
Read the full articles written by our young authors Jeremy and Jamie.
天呐!海底也太好看了吧,在海底比看水族馆好看多了。我看到了珊瑚,海参,海胆,小丑鱼,还有好多别的东西。在我欣赏海底的美景的时候,我突然一脚踩空,差一点就摔倒了,我心想,“天呐,那是什么!难道是海底洞穴,会不会有大王乌贼” ,吓得我马上就往上游,往下一看才发现它其实是沉船,我心想:“真是天助我也,我的梦想就是看到沉船,今天总算是看到了。” 我做了一个让教练多拍几张照片的手势。突然,老师对我做一个上去的手势,我明白了,回去的时间到了。