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    Ready for the New School Year


    11 Sep, 2023

    09 : 00

    • New Student Orientation Day 


      Starting the academic year at a new school can be daunting, so we gave all our new students and their families a warm welcome and the opportunity to get oriented and provided them with the resources to feel well-prepared before school started.




      We customised our information sessions for students of different age groups in Early Childhood Education (ECE), Primary and Secondary. Of course, all included the wonderful opportunity for new students and parents to meet and connect with their respective homeroom teachers. To welcome and assist our new YCIS family members, our Western and Chinese co-principals, Ms Shelley Swift and Ms Jessica Sun, alongside the head teachers, were available to listen, converse, answer queries or guide them to the appropriate booth for optimal support.




      After these administrative preparations and initial student-teacher meetings, students came together to form connections and create new friendships through fun activities, including friendly games of football. This allowed both new and returning students to participate and have fun while building a sense of community.







      Professional Development Days


      Before the start of the new academic year, all our teachers attended informative sessions and workshops, where they delved into a range of topics, such as updates on co-teaching and bilingual learning advancements. They collaborated to plan for the upcoming school year and create a welcoming environment for new and returning students in the classrooms and learning spaces. Equipped with the latest knowledge, our teachers are enthusiastic about inspiring and supporting their students as they embark on their educational journey.


      We look forward to a productive year filled with exciting discoveries, fantastic learning achievements, and valuable connections between students, teachers, and parents.