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    Transitions: Lower Secondary Skills Week


    26 Aug, 2016

    10 : 00

    • With the beginning of the 2016-17 academic year comes transitions to new grade levels, classrooms, teachers, and curriculums for all our new and returning students. One of the most challenging transitions is the transition from Primary School to Lower Secondary, where students are expected to become far more self-sufficient, organized, and independent than any time else in their academic studies.

      Fortunately, the Yew Chung International School of Beijing devotes ample time to helping its Year 7 students make this adjustment. During the first week of school, students attend a Lower Secondary Skills Week which shows them where their classes will take place, who their teachers are, and, of course, the essential skills needed to succeed in Secondary School.

      We interviewed three Year 7 students mid-week to find out just what they were learning as well as their initial impressions of Secondary School.

      What was your initial feeling moving from Primary to Secondary School? Was there anything you were particularly worried about?

      Luca Viscapi: I’ve felt good about the move so far, but I felt very scared about the increased homework and moving from class to class on our own.

      Nicole Paine: I was mostly worried about the exams and being able to make new friends. However, I’m happy that I have some people I know from Primary joining me in Lower Secondary again this year!

      Samantha Ng: I was worried about the tests and meeting new teachers since I didn’t know them, but I’m very excited about learning new things and making new friends!

      What has Skills Week taught you?

      Luca: Skills week has taught me a lot of organizational skills to get ready for Secondary School. It also taught me collaborative skills, such as making a tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows. Unfortunately it collapsed before it got measured, but it was still fun!

      Nicole: Skills week taught me to be a good student and how to respect my teachers by listening to them and going to them when we have problems.

      What are your initial impressions of Lower Secondary School?

      Samantha: It’s different from Primary School because we have classes in different rooms and have to move around.

      Nicole: It’s been very fun so far. I’ve really liked all the games and activities we’ve played!

      What do you think will be the best part of Secondary School?

      Luca: It’s great that we can move around and make choices more independently. We definitely have more freedom.

      Samantha: I love the EduCafe!

      What will be the hardest part?

      Luca: The hardest part will be cramming so much homework into my already busy life that’s full with CCA’s and social time.

      Nicole: We have a lot of studying to do which will be hard, but thankfully I have my dad to help me!

      What do you hope to get out of your Secondary School experience?

      Samantha: I hope that I can learn more general knowledge and make a lot of new friends.

      Nicole: I hope that I can have a good year, pass my tests, and make some new friends.

      Luca: I hope that Secondary School will teach me a lot about being mature and how to be even more organized as that will help a lot later in life.

      You can find more student testimonials on the Student Blog section of our website!