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    Teacher Talks: The Power of Praise


    20 Jul, 2017

    10 : 00

    • Almost every parent will know that giving children positive reinforcement and praise is key to instilling confidence and nurturing proper behavior. However, when it comes to how, when, and what to praise, the question becomes a little more complicated.

      Thankfully, Jennifer Mills, the Yew Chung International School of Beijing’s Primary School Curriculum Coordinator, is here to help. Below, she explains how to correctly praise your children as well as all the benefits that this vital behavior brings to their development.

      Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on February 19, 2016. It has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

      Motivate through Praise

      Praising our children is something that we all do every day. However, using praise in the right way can be an even more powerful tool in helping your child develop healthy self-esteem. Praise acts as a motivator for children to want to continue with the positive behaviour for which they were praised. It also helps children feel good about themselves and boosts their confidence.

      Give Precise Praise

      Descriptive praise, the most powerful form of praise, is when you tell your child what specific behaviour or action of theirs you like, e.g. ‘I love the way you shared your Lego.’ When children receive praise for demonstrating good behaviour, they are likely to want to keep behaving well. Give children verbal praise about what they are doing well as this praise can encourage your child to try harder in the future.

      Boost Your Child’s Confidence

      Some children need more praise and encouragement than others, especially those who are less confident. Show your child you’re excited and proud of their behaviour by letting them know and you’ll be rewarded with a self-confident child with positive habits.

      You can find more helpful articles from Jennifer and other YCIS Beijing educators by visiting our School News page!