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    Healthy Living: How a Life Coach Can Help You Lead a Happier Life


    20 Apr, 2017

    10 : 00

    • Living abroad in an international environment can be a challenging experience, especially for families who have never lived abroad before. Besides the challenges of not speaking the native language, adapting to a new environment and culture can be emotionally draining. The Yew Chung International School of Beijing and its Parent Organization recognize these challenges and offer a variety of resources and workshops to help their families survive and thrive in Beijing.

      On May 9, the Yew Chung International School of Beijing has invited Ms. Carnisa Berry, an experienced life coach, to host a Think and Paint Workshop. Referred by our dedicated Parent Organization Western Co-president Eike Westerholt, herself an up-and-coming life coach, Ms. Berry originally hails from Raleigh, North Carolina in the US and has been working with clients as a certified life coach for five years. Through this workshop, she seeks to help participants develop their thought awareness and helping them to understand how their thoughts affect their relationships.

      We had the opportunity to interview Ms. Berry about her experience in China and as a life coach, plus a few easy tips on how to live a healthier and happier life.

      How long have you been in China/Beijing? What about living in China do you most enjoy?

      I live in China with my husband and 2 of our 3 children. We have been here for four years. What I enjoy most about living in China is the opportunity to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I find China very challenging, but being here has pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me overcome many of my fears.

      For those unfamiliar with the profession, explain what a life coach is and how they seek to help clients.

      As a Life Coach, I help my clients gain clarity about who they are so they can create the life they desire. My clients are healthy and successful people who finds themselves feeling stuck or want to make a change in life. I help support them in creating goals and an action plan that will assist them in accomplishing these goals.

      When did you choose to become a life coach? What inspired this decision?

      I became a Coach after finding myself feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and emotionally disconnected. I hired a Life Coach to help me sort through this emotionally difficult period. It was my coach who encouraged me to become a Coach as well, which I did so I could help people like myself.

      What are some of the most common issues or problems you help your clients to resolve?

      I’ve helped my clients discover their life’s purpose, effectively communicate their needs with their loved ones, adjust to living as an expat in Beijing, gain confidence with pursuing their dreams, and acquire clarity about who they are.

      Please list a couple of essential habits or mindsets you believe to be key to living a healthy and happy life.

      I think self-care is essential. Self-care is not selfish! I also think it’s important to forgive yourself quickly and often. Part of my personal self-care routine, as wife, mom, and coach, is getting up 30 minutes before the rest of my family for prayer, devotion, and meditation time. That quiet time helps me feel grounded and prepared to face my day. It help me to maintain peace throughout my day.

      Please offer a tip (or two!) to effectively nurture these habits or mindsets.

      – Create a daily routine for yourself for quiet time and reflection.

      – If you are in a relationship, be intentional about creating special time for one another.

      – Forgive, forgive, and forgive. Forgive yourself, your past, and others. It truly is freeing.

      What does the upcoming workshop at YCIS Beijing seek to teach or impart in participants?

      The Think and Paint workshop offers participants an opportunity to pay attention to their thought life. Many time we have thoughts controlling us that we are not aware of. Bringing awareness to our thought life can empower us to make wiser decisions which, in turn, will help create an emotionally healthier life.

      Anything else you would like to add?

      I love being a Life Coach! I enjoy helping my clients connect to the essence of who they are and watching them gain the courage to face their fears and live their dreams. Please visit my website, I offer a free 30 minute consultation if you are interested in learning more about how coaching can help you.